Additional Items
- WeatherWool Fabric by the Yard
- Blankets
- WeatherWool Fabric Samples (Free)
- Mouton Hand Muff
- Neck Gaiter (Balaclava, Multi-Scarf)
- Mouton Pelts (whole pelts)
- WeatherWool Fabric Remnants
- WeatherWool Weaving Selvedge
- Shemagh
- Scarf
- Gift Certificates
27 May 2024 ---- Ralph

Additional Products
View collectionCaps, Hoods & Scarves
View collectionIn Stock Now
23 September 2024 --- Ralph
Specific Product Pages will tell you exactly what sizes and colors we have on hand. We are shipping these products now:
- Chore Coats! ... Our first new Fabric since 2014 ... 100% Wool Denim ... These Chore Coats are our first product in this new Denim Fabric
- Al's Anorak ... Natural White (Undyed and Unbleached), Cream-Color Anoraks shipping now in both FullWeight and MidWeight Fabrics, Also some in MidWeight Drab Green. A handful in other Fabrics in stock now. Pre-Orders accepted now for MidWeight Lynx Pattern Anoraks, which we have begun to ship as tailors finish their work. We'll make more Anoraks in many more Fabrics this year
Basic Vests ... FullWeight and MidWeight Drab Green in all sizes. Plus a few Black
- Women's Blanket Coats ... Shipping now with good inventory. If we don't have your size/color, please give us a call
Watch Caps in Drab Green, Natural White shipping now. Black and Brown will ship October or maybe September
Fabric ... We have Natural White FullWeight and MidWeight and Denim (Charcoal Black, Indigo and Natural White) in stock now. Small or maybe even quantity in Full- and MidWeight Drab (call us). Other Fabrics under way
- ShirtJacs ... Just a few left
CPO Shirts ... Not many left, but going into production now, can be pre-ordered in MidWeight Lynx, MidWeight Natural White, Denim (Charcoal, Indigo and Natural White)
- Peacoats ... Not many left, but some sizes/colors available. Next run (all Black) can be pre-ordered now, but next run SOON
All-Around Jackets ... Just a few
Blankets ... A few in stock now ... various sizes and Fabrics. Website accepting payment for Natural White, which we are making now
Please visit our Production Status page to see what's cooking.
After a few crazy years, things got back on track in 2022 and we've been ramping up ever since. Barring the wild events of previous years, we'll have more production in 2024 than in 2023, which was our best production year by far. But it takes us a long time to make things ... a year or 18 months from when we buy raw wool until we ship finished garments.
Our production is trending towards fulfilling backorders rather than making inventory. So if what you want is not in stock, please place a SHIP ASAP backorder.
From mid-2018 until May of 2022, our production was seriously hampered by business closures (our contractors/vendors, but not us!). Since about May of '22, our entire production team is "in gear". Things have been good for two years now, and we have a lot of Fabric in the works with a lot of garments to follow.
Thank You -- Ralph
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Jackets & Coats
We will be making a LOT of Jackets in 2024 ... More than any previous year.
First Jackets for 2024 are our redesigned Poncho and our new Denim Chore Coat.
At this we are making a lot of Fabric, and we have quite a few Basic Vests and Ladies Blanket Coats.
But we have only a smattering of All-Around Jackets, Hooded Jackets, ShirtJacs, Peacoats.
We're a little better on Anoraks and CPOs.
Except for the Chore Coat, which will be coming into stock in mid-April, anything NOT in stock is priced at 0 to enable free backorder.
Any other items we may be working on are seen in the Pipeline.
As always, we would appreciate your input! -- Thanks -- Ralph & Family
23 March 2024 --- Ralph

Lending Library
The idea is to let people try one of these items for a week or two, just to check out our stuff or maybe because it's needed for an upcoming trip. But it's all available for purchase, too.
The website will charge $30 to cover shipping, and we'll include a pre-paid return shipping label with the garment.
If you would like one of these items, please telephone us or place an online order with a NOTE telling us exactly which item you want. Please put your note in the box labeled "Add a note to your order". (Sometimes the NOTE does note reach us and in these cases we will contact you.)
Because of potential import duties, taxes and higher shipping costs, the Lending Library as described above is not applicable outside the USA.
Lending Library Plus
This page offers not only the Lending Library, but also some unusual pieces PLUS Fabric Samples, Fabric Remnants and Weaving Selvedge
22 September 2024 -- Ralph
View collectionPants
In the past, we have made pants in both FullWeight and MidWeight Fabrics. We are currently producing samples in our new denim fabric for testing.
16 February 2024 --- Cody
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Whether we put a pipeline product into production will depend on the interest of our customers, our own convictions, Fabric availability, tailors ....
PLEASE give us your thoughts. We want to make the garments people want to wear. So we need to know your thoughts please on the items themselves as well as on particular design features.
We also like to hear your suggestions for entirely new items.
Pipeline products we will be making in 2024
- Mountain Jacket / SkiJac (we have made these in production previously, so maybe not a pipeline item, but it's been a long time!)
Selvedge Poncho
29 April 2024 --- Debby

People often ask us about discounting, "sales" for the holidays, "flash sales", coupons, etc. Sorry, but we don't do that sort of thing.
We do have our Lending Library, and it has proven useful and popular.
The Lending Library offers (mostly) USED pieces that have plenty of life left in them. If you want to try out some wool, or maybe fill a need for a trip, please check out the LENDING LIBRARY, below.
The Lending Library was started in September 2021, and it's been very useful. We have pretty well decided to run all Specials through the Lending Library.
Everything in the Lending Library was made with our production Fabric. And everything in the Lending Library is offered under our No-Risk policy, same as every other WeatherWool product.
What's in the Lending Library? Why have a Lending Library? Several reasons:
- Trade-Ins are the biggest reason ... Sometimes people outgrow a garment, or want a different piece, different color, etc. And we always accommodate our customers.
- We get a lot of people wanting to change sizes months after having received a garment. They tell us it's been in the box the whole time, or worn only a couple of times. The customer thinks we should take it back as a new garment, and we do. But it doesn't count as NEW to us. If a customer has held a garment more than a week or so, or walked outdoors even for a moment, we count the garment as USED and will offer it at a discount.
- When we develop a new garment or modify an old one, we always have to first make at least one and sometimes several prototypes.
- When we make a new version of a garment, we normally have some of the old version left over, which we offer as specials.
- We also test tailors, but this hasn't happened for quite a while. We'll have a new potential tailor make a garment or two, and often we aren't happy enough with the work to make a production run. So these one-offs become specials.
- One more important reason is that we always want to take care of our customers AND we don't want anyone buying WeatherWool, even used WeatherWool, from anyone else. We are responsible only for garments purchased from us. Because our customers can always sell/return garments back to us, there is not much reason for WeatherWool to be sold elsewhere. If someone other than us is offering WeatherWool, please make sure it's not a stolen garment.
Here is how Trade-Ins/Buy-backs work:
- If you did not get your garment directly from us, we can't take it back. People actually do steal and re-sell WeatherWool
- We'll email you a USPS pre-paid shipping label
- We'll inspect the returned item. Usually the returned items are in excellent shape, and we'll pay you about 75% of the purchase price. If you can immediately use the trade-in toward another item that's fine. If not, we'll send you the money rather than carry a credit on our books
- Customer purchases of trade-ins are handled in exactly the same way as any other WeatherWool purchase
- Lastly, if you are not happy with your WeatherWool, that's a return, not a trade-in, and you get a 100% refund. And if you simply need the money back, please just tell me.
Alex handles trade-ins: ... cell 862-849-8250.
As always, feel free to phone us 24/7 to discuss, or order from the website. THANKS!
17 February 2024 --- Ralph
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View collectionVests
The interesting thing about Vests is how, at least for me, protecting my core keeps me warm and letting my arms feel the chill somewhat is invigorating. And of course, when your arms are unencumbered by multiple layers, the freedom of movement is dramatic.
We expect to be making both the Basic Vest and Mouton Vest in 2023.
26 November 2022 --- Debby
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Your WeatherWool Advisors
Advisors have significant experience with WeatherWool and will be happy to communicate with you about your needs. Advisors also give ideas, feedback and advice to us at WeatherWool. All Advisors agree that all communications will always be frank, honest and never misleading.
WeatherWool Advisors are Your Advisors AND our Advisors, and Partners.
Advisors can be contacted in a variety of ways, depending on the particular Advisor.
The Advisors can be filtered/searched by choosing from the FILTER menu:
- Looking for someone in Arkansas? Set the filter to ARKANSAS
- Want to talk about Canoeing? Set the filter to CANOEING
- Search by Advisor name ... Set filter to FIRST NAME or LAST NAME
If you have been working with an Advisor (or Advisors) but place your order directly with us, please let us know.
Please click for more information about Advisors and the Advisor Program.
The Advisor News page has info about specific things our Advisors are doing.
11 July 2023 --- Ralph
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