Hardcore Luxury All-Purpose Outerwear
Always 100% American and 100% pure Virgin Merino-Class Wool. Luxury Garments with Hardcore Performance.
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Master Craftsmen At Work
The Art of Pack Baskets with Jim Abbott
By Cody Bokshowan
With almost 200 pack baskets out there with Jim Abbotts signature on them, it had been about 2 years since Jim had made one. Cancer got a hold of Jim...

Wild Food Feast with David Alexander
Brook Trout & Wild Food Feast
By Cody Bokshowan
On a damp, cool fall morning, David Alexander and I shouldered our packs, lifted the Hornbeck canoes over our heads and started down the 5.9-mile trail in pursuit of a...

A splash in the life of an Adirondack Woodsman
Brook Trout & Sinking Lines with Jim Abbott
By Cody Bokshowan
Jim put on an impressive display, pulling in several beautiful brook trout while sharing his sinking line technique and telling a few stories.

Food That Grows On Water
Food That Grows On Water
By Cody Bokshowan
In this film, Caleb Musgrave brings us along for the last ricing trip of the season and walks us through the basics of processing that rice into delicious, nutritious food...

Food From the Land
Delicious Wild Smelt
By Cody Bokshowan
Cody and the guys head out to the creeks of central Ontario to try to track down a wild smelt run and fill a pale of delicious eating.

WeatherWool 2024 Montage

“Your anorak has been the perfect insulation layer in the Arctic. I’ve been wearing it daily while working with the Canadian Air Force’s survival school on their high Arctic course building igloos. Here’s a pic I took (quickly) at minus 55 Celsius - the sun doesn’t come back for another week here.

“"When somebody walks into a hunting camp wearing something like WeatherWool, you've got a pretty good idea that dude knows what the hell he is doing

“Instantly warmer, cuts the wind, no worry about a bit of rain, easy on and off, nice fit and everyone who sees it loves the look. This thing is working out better than I ever imagined it could.

“I was looking to replace my 40 year old Filson mackinaw so I took the plunge and ordered a WeatherWool anorak. When the box arrived in was so light that I thought there must be a mistake with my order. Wrong! The anorak was a half-pound lighter than my mackinaw! The fabric was softer too, and not itchy at all.
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1 (831) 704- 1776 (831-July 4th 1776)