The items shown here are USED, but with plenty of life left.
Lending items can be checked out for $30, which more or less covers shipping in USA. If you are in another country, you are welcome to BUY from the Lending at whatever price is posted for that item, plus the cost of shipping. Buying from the Lending has to be done by phone or email with Alex or Ralph.
The idea of the Library is to let people try one of these items for a week or two, just to check out our stuff or maybe because it's needed for an upcoming trip. But anything in the Lending can be purchased outright, which is what happens about half the time.
The website will charge $30 to cover shipping, and we'll include a pre-paid return shipping label with the garment.
If you decide to buy the item, the cost is the price as shown, but we'll credit the $30 shipping. We'll need to work together directly to arrange purchase, usually that just means an email-invoice.
It's not necessary to pay a deposit on the garment. Please either buy it or return it after a week or two.
The Library has become more popular than we expected. If there are already two names next to an item (meaning someone has it and another person is waiting), please don't place an order. If there is one name next to an item, feel free to place an order to be NEXT in line.
Pieces come into the Library for a variety of reasons ... usually loss or gain of weight. If you have something that doesn't suit you anymore, please contact / 862-849-8250.
If you would like one of these items, please telephone us or place an online order with a NOTE telling us exactly which item you want. Please put your note in the box labeled "Add a note to your order". But the NOTE is not compatible with all browsers, and it won't hurt to also send an email to the addresses below.
Because of potential import duties, taxes and higher shipping costs, the Lending Library as described above is not really applicable outside the USA. But we can usually improvise purchase arrangements on a case-by-case basis for our friends without an American shipping address.
The listing for a garment that is "checked out", will show the order number and date it was sent, plus the first name and last initial of the person who has it. When a garment is returned that information is removed and the piece becomes available again.
If a garment is listed as New-Used (maybe a result of our Customer Service policies), it usually means the customer who made the original purchase held the garment for longer than 10 days or so. If a customer hangs onto a garment more than about 10 days before returning, even if it just sits unopened in the box, we normally count it as Used. Also, sometimes people tell us they returned it after only one day and only wore it to go shopping and to walk the dog one night. If a garment has been taken outdoors, no matter for how short a time, we will not sell it as new, and it will be listed on the Lending Library as New-Used. If someone returns a garment immediately, but it has been soiled somehow, it counts as used.
We try to ship Lending pieces in presentable condition, but we don't spend time on them like we do with new. If we did, we'd have to charge more and the lending would have a different sort of philosophy than now. The Lending Library operates at a modest loss to us, because of significant admin work, but it's a valuable customer service.
We can't accept requests to notify someone if a particular item becomes available.
If Debby is not looking, Lending items may be shipped in a recycled box, which seems appropriate to Ralph, but not to Debby.
One other thing ... Ralph often ships Lending pieces, but he's terrible at packing. Please don't hold it against him (me!!).
THANKS -- Alex --- 862-849-8250,
Ralph --- 973-943-3110,
The following are available for Lending or Purchase (or are currently checked out):
ALL-AROUND JACKETS (always FullWeight Fabric)
All-Around Jacket / XXSmall / Duff (this is our older color, similar to Brown, but not as dark). Good condition. $500.
All-Around Jacket / XXSmall / Drab. Like New. $700.
All-Around Jacket / XSmall / Drab ... Great condition. $685 (9 Oct 2024 --- Ben H --- #20951 --- sent text and email 14 Jan 2025 --- and again 26 Feb 2025 --- Our first deadbeat? My next step, leave messages at his workplace!) (Next: Lee B --- 12 Oct 2024 --- #21028) (NEXT: Braydon B will buy ... ref #21417)
All-Around Jacket / Small / Lynx pattern. Good condition. $500. (Nick H --- requested 4 March 2025, order 23769 - Sent March 23) (THIRD: John Z --- Requested 8 March 2025, order #23817)
All-Around Jacket / Medium / Duff. Good condition. $495 (Next: Bradley G --- 29 Jan 2025 --- #23385) (NEXT: Mike N --- requested 15 March 2025, order #23878)
All-Around Jacket / Large / Duff. Great condition. $685. (CALLED 3/28/25 #23962) ... (Daniel T --- 3 Mar 2025 --- #23690 --- considering purchase, 14 March 2025) (Daniel T --- Not available yet --- #23702)
All-Around Jacket / Large / Black with Double Hood. Very Good condition. $1045.
All-Around Jacket / 3XLarge / Drab. Barely-Used. $875
All-Around Jacket / 3XLarge / Drab. Previous version, but actually new. $899
Al's Anorak / XSmall / Natural White - FullWeight. New/Used ... Two customers had it but never took it outdoors ... Still seems new. $595
Al's Anorak / Large / White - MidWeight. Great condition. $595 (Jonathan M --- delivered 8 Mar 2025 --- #23731) (NEXT: Brandon B, requested 20 March 2025, order #23940)
- Al's Anorak / 2XLarge / Lynx - MidWeight. Close to new. Customer held it a month before deciding he does not like a pullover. $595 (Alex W --- 3 Dec 2024 --- #22309 --- sent followup mail 26 Feb 2025) (NEXT: Dan B --- 21 Dec 2024 --- #22771 --- traveling until 25 Jan)
- Al's Anorak / 4XLarge / Lynx - MidWeight. Good condition. $500 (Josh F --- ship 3/17/25, order #23801)
Basic Vest / XL / Drab / FullWeight 2nd's. The waist adjustment on back is not flat. $300
Basic Vest / 2XL / Drab - MidWeight 2nd's. Pockets not quite even. $300
- CPO / Medium / Natural White MidWeight. New/Used. Customer did not wear, but held it for 6 weeks. $395 (Daniel V, 25 March 2025, order #23923).
CPO / Medium / Drab Green MidWeight. ... Like New. Used once. - $395.
Denim Jeans / Size 30 / Indigo --- Almost new. Customer held them about six weeks then decided they didn't fit. $395 (Daniel B --- 16 Dec 2024 --- #22687) (NEXT: Ted D --- 17 Dec 2024 --- #22152 for reference)
Hooded Jacket / XXSmall / FullWeight Black -- Fine shape. $395 (Brian R --- shipped 26 March 2025, order #24009)
Hooded Jacket / 3XLarge / FullWeight Drab Green -- Fine shape. $425
Ladies Blanket Coat / Medium / Drab (proto-type) -- Like New. (Brown buttons. Cuffs not hemmed, but only folded under). -- Like New. $675
Ladies Blanket Coat / XL / Black - Fair Condition. Well used, but still lots of use left. $350
Ladies Blanket Coat / 2XL / Drab (factory 2nd's) - Good Condition. Minor defect with edging on front and top button hole fabric is failing. $450
- Peacoat (Previous version made in 2023) / Small / Black - Good condition. $700
Peacoat / Large / Black - New/Used Customer held it two weeks then decided he wanted internal zippered pockets. $825 (Eric W --- requested 7 March 2025, order #23810) (NEXT: Jeremy B, 25 March 2025, Order #24007 ... either Black Large Peacoat)
Peacoat / Large / Black - Very good condition. $700 (Eric W --- requested 7 March 2025, order #23811) NEXT: Jeremy B, 25 March 2025, Order #24007 ... either Black Large Peacoat)
Peacoat / XLarge / Black - Top condition, but customer kept it two months and sent it back for unspecified reason. $825
ShirtJac / Small / Brown / FullWeight -- Not used, according to the customer. But he held it 13 months before deciding he didn't like the pockets. $450 (David V. ... 2/27/25 ... #23693)
ShirtJac / 3XL / Black - A couple of years old, but fine shape. $425 (Brian P intends to purchase --- 3 Mar 2025 --- #D4918)
Chore Coat / Small / Charcoal -- New/Used or Barely used. This is a SMALL that was mis-marked as Medium. $395 (Alek C --- 8 Feb 2025 --- #23168 --- sent followup mail 12 Feb 2025) (NEXT: Chris R --- 7 Feb 2025 --- Ref #23392)
Chore Coat / Medium / Indigo -- New factory 2nd's. Fabric on elbow not sewn correctly. $385 (Dustin M --- shipped 6 March 2025, order #23684) (Darren H --- Requested 5 March 2025, order #23777)
28 March 2025--- Ralph, Alex, Debby