Mississippi River
WeatherWool is getting some attention from serious divers. Here is information and imagery from Michael Freeman, a Commercial Diver on the Mississippi River.
Michael is wearing a FullWeight CPO Shirt in Lynx Pattern.
I knew Mike planned to wear the CPO before and after diving. But ... Mike had a couple of surprises for me.
During correspondence, I mentioned to Mike that my Dad was a Hard Hat Diver in World War 2, and that his work on the Mississippi was perhaps in some ways similar to Pop's work in the early days of the war.
Dad was diving in the Hudson River, where he was working to raise the Normandie, a French trans-Atlantic passenger liner that had burned and sunk in New York City's Harbor. The original idea was to raise the ship and rebuild her, but, once she was afloat, it was determined the damage was too severe and she was scrapped. Here is Mike's kind response to my note:

A guy working with the US Military FAST boats had asked me about the potential for WeatherWool in his work, where he normally wears a drysuit, and Mike provided more information:
A couple of months after Mike sent the information above, he wrote me again about the combination wool/nylon fabric on the outside back of the collar of the CPO. He's the second person who has told us this fabric was working loose. Actually, I wanted this fabric omitted entirely, but for some reason the tailors felt it was necessary. Anyway, I explained to Mike we'd fix the stitching or remove the fabric, or whatever else he liked. He actually didn't care, and only wrote because he correctly thought I'd want to know. Here is the email Mike sent: "In defense of your product, I absolutely love it. I think we both know, I’ve put the product through way more than anyone can design a outerwear jacket to accommodate. It has spent some 30 dives compressed in a dry suit, and several months now of daily wear in a marine construction environment, and I mean daily. My email is absolutely not a critique, I stated in the beginning of our correspondence that I would advise you on the products ability to wear in a working environment and I have worked the heck out of it this winter. Your [CPO Shirt] has withstood welding/cutting both above and below water, heavy rigging, rain, sleet, and daily contact of materials involved in construction. It hasn’t even discolored. Well done. The wool is exceptional. I wouldn’t give this product up for anything."
Separately, in late 2018, we received a 1-liner note from another professional diver who travels the world. I don't have permission to use his name yet, but here is what he wrote ... I think he was talking about putting on the Anorak after taking off his wetsuit:
"Yeah, love my anorak. Was up very near Norway recently. That thing is like returning to the womb."
18 February 2019 and then updated slightly in 2022 because we changed the name of the ShirtJac to CPO Shirt. --- Ralph