Ohio, and worldwide
Self-Reliance Outfitters and Pathfinder Survival
Self-Reliance Customer Service: 317-791-8777 (9 to 5, Monday to Friday)
Instagram: PathfinderSurvival
Dave is on Facebook as @WoodlandBushcraft
Dave Canterbury on Youtube
Self-Reliance Outfitters also has a Youtube Channel
Specialties: Bushcraft, Camping, Gear, Self-Reliance, Woodsmanship, Trapping, Instruction, Testing, Media, Travel, Extremely Varied Conditions and Activities, Hunting, Fishing, Camping
"The Doctorate in Woodsy Knowledge can only be taught by Mother Nature in the Classroom of the Outdoors." Dave Canterbury
Dave Canterbury is the co-owner and supervising instructor at The Pathfinder School, which was named by USA Today as one of the top twelve survival schools in the United States. In addition to his work at the Pathfinder School, Dave is the New York Times bestselling author of Bushcraft 101, Advanced Bushcraft, and The Bushcraft Guide to Trapping, Gathering, and Cooking in the Wild, and Bushcraft First Aid. He has been published in Backwoodsman, Self Reliance Illustrated, New Pioneer, American Frontiersman, Trapper’s World, Bushcraft Journal, Sportsman's News, and Bushcraft and Survival Skills Magazine. He has also been featured on the cover of Backwoodsman Magazine in the US and Bushcraft and Survival Skills Magazine in the UK. Dave holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Wilderness Ministry from Frontier Christian University as well as his certification in Wilderness First Aid/CPR and Advanced Search and Rescue. He is certified as an Expert Trapper by the Fur Takers of America and holds basic and intermediate certificates from the International School of Herbal Arts and Sciences. Dave is the Global Ambassador for Morakniv and he lives in southeastern Ohio USA.
In the portrait photo at left, Dave wears a ShirtJac in Lynx Pattern, a Neck Gaiter in Duff Color and a Mouton Hat in Duff Color.
The group photo at left shows Dave with two other instructors at a Pathfinder class. Dave is at left, in the middle is Shawn Kelly, who has a large YouTube following, and at right is Josh Enyart, who is also a WeatherWool Advisor. Dave likes all of his instructors to wear Lynx Pattern during classes.
17 June 2020