Heath Gunns
Advisor Heath Gunns is the creator of a wonderful organization known as Spoken Outdoors. Heath accompanies Veterans on many outings all across the USA. Heath has been wearing WeatherWool since our early days, and he is one of our biggest supporters. Heath wrote us in June 2016:
“Love my WeatherWool. Have worn it from sea level to 11,000 feet, from 27 degrees below zero to 70 degrees. It has visited the backcountry in WA, OR, CA, ID, MT, WY, NV, CO, NY, PA, TX, NM, OK…… That was just last year. 2017 will see it again traveling the backcountry across the United States as I accompany disabled Veterans on hunts and shooting events. Absolutely the best outdoor wear that I have ever owned. With a renewed commitment to be healthy and increase my time in the outdoors, trust that there will be lots more WeatherWool in my future.”
Thanks for the kind words, Heath. And THANKS to you and the team at Spoken Outdoors for taking care of our Veterans!!
In the picture above, from Montana, Heath is wearing his trademark warm and wonderful smile ... and that's his personality, right there. He is also wearing some of the first Pants and All-Around Jackets we made.
The picture below was taken at the NRA Annual Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, May 2016. Heath had lost about 80 pounds recently, but the dieting didn't affect his disposition ... he still had the same smile. Heath added our ShirtJac in Solid DUFF Color to his WeatherWool collection. Eighty pounds lighter will make it a lot easier for him to do what he does with HAVA!In this picture are Heath and Brady Gunns
Heath and Mrs Gunns in the middle, and two dear friends who were just married in a ceremony performed by Heath. The newlyweds are serious outdoors lovers and asked Heath to wear camo for the ceremony. So Heath chose our Basic Vest in Lynx Pattern, which we consider camo-camo ... and now, formal-camo. Actually, other people have worn Lynx to Church, but Heath is the first to perform a wedding!
Heath said it was wicked cold on this day in Yellowstone.
Heath has continued his exercise and diet regime, and as of July 2017, he has lost well over 100 pounds. I admire his discipline and the fact that the dieting evidently hasn’t changed his friendly disposition. I would be well-advised to drop 100 pounds myself, but dieting seems to push me toward irritability.
One of the things we really like about making clothing is seeing where our garments go! Heath sent me this picture from vacation in Coffman Cove, Alaska, with Mrs Gunns. Heath tells me his ShirtJac in Solid DUFF Color goes everywhere he does.
11 May 2024 --- Ralph