Who are our customers? Shortest answer is anyone who deals with Weather that gets cool or cold. But actually, people do wear WeatherWool indoors ... some because their house is cold and some because they work in cold indoor places. Some even wear WeatherWool in US-normal-temp rooms (71F/22C), such as when working in an office all day. And some people have no intention of ever taking our Blankets outside ...
But overwhelmingly, WeatherWool goes outside. Mostly, probably, people just wear it because it's comfortable, effective and attractive. But there are a lot of people who wear WeatherWool for a specific activity. Our Versatility Page has photos of the more surprising (to me, at least) activities in the following list, such as commercial diving:
- Alpinists
- Anglers
- Animal Trainers
- Arborists
- Artists
- Backpackers
- Bicycle Riders
- Birdwatchers
- Botanists
- Builders
- Bushcrafters
- Businessmen (and I think women)
- Campers
- Canoeists
- Cinematographers
- Commercial Divers (under a dry suit)
- Commuters
- Dock Workers
- Dog Walkers
- Energy Services Workers
- Farmers
- Fire Fighters
- Fishermen (Commercial)
- Foragers
- Foresters
- Formal/Semi-Formal Occasions
- Gamekeepers
- Gas and Oilfield Workers
- Golfers
- Guides
- Heavy Equipment Operators
- Hikers
- Horseback Riders
- Hunters
- Insurance Adjusters
- Knife Makers (and Ax Makers)
- Landscapers and Landscape Architects
- Law Officers
- Linemen
- Loggers
- Meditators
- Metal Workers
- Military Personnel (lot of these, doing different things)
- Modeling (our Mouton Vest in Lynx Pattern is fashion-bold!)
- Motorcycle Riders
- Naturalists
- Open Fire Cooking
- Orchardists
- Orienteering
- Pilots
- Photographers
- Property Managers
- Ranchers
- Reality Show On-Screen Personalities
- Realtors
- Rigging
- Scuba Divers (on wet bare skin right after coming out of the water)
- Search and Rescue
- Security Personnel
- Shipping (waterborne freight)
- Shooters
- Skiers
- Smokejumpers
- Snowmobilers
- Surveyors
- Survivalists
- Trail Maintenance Workers
- Trappers
- Trekkers
- Truckers (and now this includes me!)
- Utility Workers
- Video Crew Workers
- Videographers
- Wildlife Biologists
- Woodworkers
Because WeatherWool is more expensive than most other outerwear, we often hear that it's for the wealthy. But there are many people who value quality and American origins enough that they will save and budget for WeatherWool. Lots of our customers have made monthly payments.
11 November 2021 --- Ralph