Leo Grizzaffi
Retired Professional, Attorney, Great Guy
California and Worldwide
LeoGrazzaffi@yahoo.com (His email does not quite match his name!)
Leo has been a friend to WeatherWool since our very early days. We met Leo at one of the first shows we ever did ... before we really had much of anything in the way of product! It actually did not occur to me until, I think, 2022, to ask Leo if he would be interested in working with us as an Advisor. Should have asked him a long time ago! Leo is a very connected guy and a lot of fun and he has always been so kind to us. When I wrote to Leo about being an Advisor, his reply was so nice but also great content for this page:
- I am now 87 years of age. [In 2022, I think -- Ralph]
- I have been in the sporting industry in one way or another since 1953.
- I regard myself as retired [or just tired]
- I worked in the industry a head of sales, selling to Sears, Wards, Penny and had a crew of about 20 national salesmen
- I was a munitions specialist in the US Air Force in Korea, and North Africa
- I had my own import and sales company after service
- I was a Attorney at law and California Superior Court Hearing office for about 35 years
- I have received awards and letters for outstanding service to the Los Angeles County court services
- I acted as a congressional aid in Washington DC and California for about 5 years
- I have acted as host and speaker at reward ceremonies for Los Angeles Police Department Outstanding Officers
- The programs at these ceremonies have listed me as a philanthropist [what ever that means]
- I am no longer qualified to act as any type of a salesman
- I am registered in the sporting industry as a freelance writer [member of NSSF Press]
- I have devoted my remaining time to assist members of the sporting industry [without fee or request for discounts]
This afternoon I mentored a CCW [concealed carry weapon] class being given at a local shooting range/gun store. I did a short lecture on the use of deadly force and then moved back into the class in order to finish off my own personal carry class room requirements.
I took the opportunity to show off some shooting attire. Your jacket/shirt was the main item and also some tactical pants by Dickey in green. The shirt and necktie was of my own selection.
I carried under the shirt/jacket four handguns. It was not a large class and it also was to a very select audience. The facility does not handle soft wear, but It was a good opportunity for additional exposure...it never hurts. I had a 9mm 1911 Dan Wesson PM-9 on a right hand pancake holster, a 45 1911 Colt National Match in a Gould left hand holster on my left side, a 380 Llama in a
shirt pocket holster set for cross draw over my left breast. a 38 S&W model 60 in a inside waist belt holster. NO one noticed that I was really carrying a weapon until I opened the shirt/jacket to expose the firepower.
I was also reviewing some other cancelled carry clothing and noticed that several of the manufactures featured large pockets that opened onto the inside of the jackets. I know that the market is possibly limited, but you may also use as a additional feature the fact that your line lends itself well with the carrying of a concealed weapon. This may have some additional appeal at the SCI convention.
See you at SCI next year.
Leo L. Grizzaffi
FOREWORD by Leo L. Grizzaffi, Esq. rtd
The following is an account detailing the visit of 9 member of the INTERNATIONAL DEFENSE PISTOL ASSOCIATION TAIWAN. It immortalizes the efforts that they made to share in experiences that we here in the United States seem to take for granted.
These individuals were willing to go to the expense and efforts of journeying over 6000 miles to obtain training in the NRA disciplines as it applies to the shooting sports. Their NRA certified instructors created a assemblage of some 15 different firearms, each of a different caliber that are unavailable in their country and were to be used by them during the instruction program. I also wish to thank the management of Shoot Safe Learning in Torrance for programming this event and their cooperation in making their instructors available and scheduling a shooting location.
I hope you enjoy this little story.
Last Wednesday, I am proud say, that I had the pleasure to act as a NRA instructor and Safety officer for a extremely interesting group of firearms students. They were nine young men from Taiwan that had come to this country for advanced firearms training. The nation of Taiwan requires a year of military service and training for all males. Considering the size, nature and history of its next door neighbor, this may be a good idea for self preservation. During this period of military service each trainee only has the opportunity to fire one firearm and then only for less then 40 rounds of ammunition. This is all the firearms shooting that is available for these trainees throughout their career. After serving their period of service, they can only retain their proficiency with firearms through the use of Air Soft firearms, they can not own any personal firearms. Those, who are truly interested in the shooting sports must limit them selves to Air Soft firearms only, or go to the personal expense of traveling out of their country for additional training.
These nine men were willing to travel at their own expense from Taiwan over to the United States to receive instruction in firearms shooting techniques that are unavailable to anyone in their country. I was requested to act as a instructor and range safety officer during a day of NRA certified instruction in the field of defensive rifle, pistol and shotgun.
Since, these students were willing to travel so far to obtain instruction; we instructors agreed to make the day a little extra special for them by providing a day of exposure to a family of firearms that they never get to see in their country. Therefore the end of the basic NRA instruction program was followed with a period of instruction and shooting in a variety of pieces unseen in their country. Each student was provided with the opportunity for training in the operation and firing of a variety of hand guns ranging from small concealed carry revolvers, single action revolvers, and double action target revolvers ranging in calibers from 30 carbine, 30 Luger to 44 magnum, 45 Colt and than the 50 magnum action express. Firing an original Luger pistol and a 50 magnum action express was something of a cultural shock for these men, for never had they ever seen any of these pieces in any form other than photos and in the movies. It was a great moment to actually see these pieces, much less being able to have them in their hands and to have the opportunity to know what it felt like to fire one of them.
The rifle program ranged from Ruger 10/22s rifles, to lever actions carbines with a smattering of M1 Garands and than up to the pounding of some hefty loads in a bolt action 416 Rigby. The Garand was almost as long as some of the shooters and the 416 Rigby shooting was limited to a maximum of five shot and than, this was number was only done by the biggest and most most adventurous member of the group. We Americans, who have the pleasure of firing any firearm we desire, have to appreciate the willingness for adventure on the part of these shooters who were shooting these pieces for the first time and ranged in a weight class of under 150 pounds.
Each shooter was able to fire more rounds of live ammunition than he had ever been able to shoot before in all his lifetime in Taiwan. They are returning to Taiwan with a far greater understanding of the people in the United States and and with a little envy for the freedom of choice that is available to them.
Each of us, instructors, gained through them a greater appreciation of what our countries founders gave to this nation. That, by way of their foresight and wisdom, they installed in our constitutions certain spelled out rights, rights, that are basic to its people and must never be forfeited and therefore, always must be protected.