Fisher Neal
New York City and Jersey City, New Jersey
ysdfisher@gmail.com, also on Instagram as @huntingactor
Specialties: Fisher teaches hunting and Nature Appreciation and knows his way around stage and camera
Fisher is originally from Tennessee, where he spent huge amounts of time in the woods and fields and on the waters. He came to the NYC area to pursue a career in theater on Broadway, where he has had some real success. His love of Nature is still deep in his heart, tho, and he loves hunting, fishing, foraging, and teaching people his skills. Learn more about outings with Fisher at LearnToHuntNYC.com. Fisher's friends in Tennessee have been surprised by the Natural bounty within easy reach of Manhattan. (It still amazes me, too, and I grew up around here!) I have been afield with Fisher and he is very keen. He is new to WeatherWool and became an Advisor in May 2017. Given that he is a trained actor and model, we have used his talents and you'll see pictures of Fisher wearing our clothes on this website and on social media.
Fisher made a great short movie about his 2020 Tennessee Turkey Season.
Please click here for more pictures and more info about Fisher's Guiding and Teaching services.
One of the photos on this page was taken at a "photo shoot" at The Swamp, where we do a lot of testing and photography for WeatherWool. The other photo shows Fisher with a client who had never before hunted turkey. Fisher put him on a beautiful bird on public land within an hour's drive of New York City.
19 June 2020