Advisors have significant experience with WeatherWool and will be happy to communicate with you about your needs. Advisors also give ideas, feedback and advice to us at WeatherWool. All Advisors agree that all communications will always be frank, honest and never misleading.
Learn more information about Advisors and the Advisor Program.
WeatherWool Advisors
- All
- Bushcraft Skills
- Hunting / Fishing
- Instructors
- Military / Law Enforcement
- Survivalists
- TV and Film Production
- Wilderness Guide
- Wildlife Photographer
- Wool Specialist
Jesse Manuta
OUTDOORS PROFESSIONAL -- FARMING Arizona Phone: 941-264-8860Email: Specialties: Running, Hiking, Farming, Grand Canyon, Nutrition, Cooking/Fermentation, Conflict Resolution, Farm School Education Jesse is the inspiration and a Lead Designer of WeatherWool's...
Mike Corn, Corn Ranch
OUTDOOR PROFESSIONAL - SHEEP RANCHER New Mexico (Roswell Area) 575-622-3360, Specialties: Wool and Sheep! Mike is a rancher and Outdoorsman Mike Corn, the 2017 President of the American Sheep...
Mark Eurich
OUTDOORS PROFESSIONAL -- FARMER Nebraska (Eagle) (402)-680-9958, Specialties: Farming, Bowhunting, General Outdoors, Woodworking, Fabrication, Vintage 4WD Restorations and Gym Rat Hi, I’m Mark Eurich from Eagle, Nebraska. I have a...
Ian McLendon, Outdoors Professional
Ian is a Nature, fishing and hunting guide and outfitter from Aspen, Colorado. As a natural complement to his fishing and hunting work, Ian also outfits commercial photographers and advertising...
Mike Pimentel
Mike is a lifelong outdoorsman and law enforcement officer. Mike began his career in Law Enforcement in 1991, and spent nearly 10 years on SWAT and Special Enforcement Teams.
Bob Padula, Wool Professional & Sheep Breeder
Bob is a Sheep Rancher, but not in the conventional sense of the word. Bob is really a breeder of sheep, and his sales of wool are really incidental to...
Heath Gunns, Outdoors Professional
Heath left a career in Law Enforcement to spend his time helping Disabled American Veterans experience outdoor adventures that, without specialized assistance, would be beyond their physical capabilities.
Harald Krauss
At present Harald is helping design the Runner, a WeatherWool shirt for vigorous activity like running.
Chris Christian
PROFESSIONAL, Media and Digital Imagery North Carolina A note from Chris to me follows this paragraph. Chris's description of himself is entirely accurate. Chris is one of the most energetic,...
Chase Burnett
OUTDOORS PROFESSIONAL -- PERSONAL TRAINER, RANCHER Tennessee (relocated from New Jersey in 2020), Instagram @RealChaseBurnett Specialties: Lifestyle, Bow Hunting, Trap shooting, Camping, Outdoor cooking, Equestrian, Misplaced Texan, Farming Chase...
Chad Borofsky
OUTDOORS PROFESSIONAL -- SKIING Vermont (Central Vermont Ski Country) Specialties: Skiing of all kinds, Hunting, Backwoods, Search & Rescue, Difficult Conditions Chad has been wearing WeatherWool since our earliest...
David Jacques, Maritime Spook
OUTDOORS PROFESSIONAL David Jacques is "The Maritime Spook", and it was the Spook who first started using the term "WeatherWool Army". Little Ridge, New Brunswick, Canada Contact: Specialties: Nature Guide,...