Nova Scotia, Canada
Specialties: Backcountry Camping, Shelter building, Winter Camping, Hot tent Camping, Bushcraft, Backcountry Cooking, Canoeing, Hiking, Photography, Wilderness
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/backcountry_king
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/backcountry_king_outdoors
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Backcountry-Outdoors-1393146227650830
Steven Clarke is an avid 4-season outdoorsman practicing backcountry camping and bushcraft in Nova Scotia and other provinces across Canada with his three sons. Steven’s goal is to do a backcountry camping trip in all Canadian provinces with his sons and to date has done so in 4 provinces with the 5th and 6th scheduled for 2018. He moved from Ontario back to Nova Scotia 6 years ago, and spends as much time as possible in the woods honing his skills, including shelter building, batoning, backcountry cooking and foraging for wild edibles. He values tradition, such as passing down knives from one generation to the next, and above all spending time outside with his boys.
“The time I have spent in the woods with my boys is one of my most cherished achievements and a tradition I look forward to continuing for many years to come. I feel a great sense of pride having instilled in them a love of the outdoors and a lifetime of memories that one day they will pass down to their own children.”